Sunday, September 25, 2011

Clouds and Storms

Clouds are interesting.  They can not be held, but they produce rain to quench the thirst of the earth. They roar with thunder or silently float past.  They give shade and they pitch hailstones.  

Lately, I have photographed clouds as I am wanting to look up.  Our God has chosen to use clouds as a vehicle for Himself between heaven and earth.  Displayed in them is His power and beauty.  

Another element to clouds is the storms they bring.  In our valley, there is a storm not in the skies.  Storm clouds hang over thoughts and heart ache, over many prayers while kneeling before God's will.

A friend reminded me of this song, Praise You in this Storm.  Please listen to it.

The story he shares before singing the song is the same kind of storm leaving tears in our little mountain valley for a young girl in our community. . .

Still, there is hope.  It is this, God is riding the storm with her. . .

As you pause to watch the clouds, may you praise Him in the storms in your life.
Love always,

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, 
a hope both sure and steadfast 
and one which enters within the veil, 
where Jesus has entered as a forerunner . . . Hebrews 6:19

Ways God has used clouds as His vehicle . . .

For His Signs:
He set the sign of His first covenant in the clouds as a rainbow.  Genesis 9:12-13

Leading and protecting:  
He led the Israelites by day with a cloud.  When this cloud settled on the tent of meeting, God spoke with Moses.  When the cloud moved, the people of God moved.  Exodus 13:21-22

Peter, James, and John heard the voice of the Lord from a cloud as they watched the body of their friend, Jesus, transformed before their very eyes!  Mark 9:2-8

Transportation of Jesus, our Savior:
After Jesus had been crucified, he appeared several times before people.  Then, He was lifted into the air while the apostles watched.  It was a cloud that received Jesus out of their sight.  Acts 1:9

And when Jesus returns, it will be in the clouds with great power and glory.  Mark 13:24-27

Friday, September 16, 2011

Experiencing Him

Rain runs cold down my bare legs.  Joy in my heart keeps me warm.  We hike the shiny-wet trail leading us to our campsite, some 3 miles ahead.

Up.  We are hiking into a basin to camp at tree line for the night. And the rain pools in my boots, creating a hidden puddle under my wool sock.  A wet smile spreads across my chilled face.  The puddle squishes rhythmically as I keep pace with the others and focus on anything other than wet and cold.

We each encourage.  No one complains.  All are cold, tired, hungry, and drenched.  Still, no one complains.  Experience has taught this: it is better to focus on one another when comfort is lacking.  And we hike and we visit and we go beyond our physical circumstances.  We connect.  Uninterrupted.

Night brings rest and morning brings glorious sunshine!  Spirits rise as we begin hiking to the summit of a 14,000 foot peak.  The experience of standing on top is awe inspiring.  To see the majesty of the earth and the skies is enlightening.  It reminds me that I am small.  There is a much bigger picture than my reality of daily living.  And words catch in my throat as I try to tell my God, the Creator, "Thank You."

He reminds me this is His footstool.

"Heaven is My throne,
And the earth is My footstool.
Where then is a house you could build for Me?
And where is a place that I may rest?

For My hand made all these things,
Thus all these things came into being," declares the LORD.

"But to this one I will look,
To him who is humble and contrite of spirit,
And who trembles at My word."
Isaiah 66:1-2

And we are the sheep of His pasture.

Come, let us worship and bow down;
Let us kneel before the LORD our Maker.
He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture,
And the sheep of His hand.
Psalm 95:6-7

And He is in the valley.

The LORD is my Shepherd, . . .
He makes me lie down . . .
He leads me . . . 

He restores my soul . . .  
He guides me . . . for His name's sake.

Even though I walk through the valley . . . 
  He is with me.

My cup overflows.
Goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 23

May you experience Him.
Love always,