Monday, October 10, 2011


God is the beginning.  

In the beginning, God creates.  God sets His people apart.  God calls them to Himself and leads them out of slavery.  He sets a standard, building His culture.  He provides, protects, and blesses.

In response, His people rebel.  

God calls them back.  
They rebel again.  And again.  And again.  

He calls them back 
     again . . . 
          and again . . . 
               and again . . . until His is silent.  

And God is in the middle.

After spending 9 months reading the Old Testament, my soul groans.  Groans for the rebellious to repent, to turn around.  And I anticipate the birth of Help.  

At the end of the Old Testament, I spend a weekend without reading, staying in His silence.  Silence reminds my soul I have an old testament, too.  

And I hold my breath with anticipation.

The page turns to reveal the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.  And my lungs fill with His holy presence.    John 1:14

He is Light, His name is the color of joy, and in Him there is no darkness at all.  1 John 1:5

Instead of silence, the heavenly host praises God.  Luke 2:13-14

As I read on, I know God will be the ending, also.  

This year, a friend and I are reading through the Word chronologically.  It has been an unforgettable journey of discovery and remembrance.  

Remembering the stories of His people and His faithfulness and His lovingkindness.
Discovering how much I desire for the Father, Jesus, and the Spirit to be the main character in my life and in the lives of others. 

Come read with us.  We are reading through the Bible in a year using this link:
Love always,

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Wheat and the Weeds

Their roots are spreading, our children who stand so straight and tall.  They come together occasionally to share their stories, then head back to where the stories happen, planted and growing among weeds.  The wheat and the weeds. . .

Father, My heart's desire is that our seed would be with Your Seed.  When the weeds come into their lives, I want to clean them out so that our seed would grow strong and true. 

The servants ask the Owner of the field, "Where then did the weeds come from?  
"An enemy did this," He replies.

Can I pull weeds?

"No," He answers, "because while you are pulling the weeds, you may up root the wheat.  Let both grow together until the harvest. . . . at that time, I will direct the harvesters:  first collect weeds, tie into bundles, and burn them.  Then, gather the wheat and bring it into My barn."  

I sometimes try to pull weeds all by myself and it makes a mess.  I try to clean up messes.  And I hear You tell me to be still.  Father, it takes courage to be still.  

Jesus is my courage.  
Trusting Him to direct the harvest is my place.  
I watch, praying while waiting. . . 

Praying for His bountiful harvest in your lives, too.  (Matthew 13:24-30)
Love always,

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Following Him

Mornings come fresh, crisp and dark before the sun rises over the ridge.  It is my time set aside to meet Jesus.  We have a standing date.

Today, our date lasted longer than usual at the table because the room is crowded with thoughts and hopes, fears and joys we wade through together.

As thoughts have paused, my soul is silent - waiting - asking what do I do.  That is when Mama called.

"Hi Mama," I said soft and slow.

Her happy voice enters my room, "You are either worn out or something is going on.  Your tone is saying something!"  From 800 miles away she knows.  She shares, "Well, I was reading the Word and the Lord nudged me.  He said to call and share two verses with you.  So, before you tell me what is going on, hear what He has for you:

And your ears will hear a word behind you,
"This is the way, walk in it."
Whenever you turn to the right or to the left.
Isaiah 30:21

His Sword struck deeply.

"Angie?  Are you there?"

"Yes, ma'am," whispers out as He reminds me:  Listen.

"Okay," she continues happily, "Well, I have one more in Isaiah for you:

Thus says the LORD,
the Redeemerthe Holy One of Israel:
I am the LORD your God,
who teaches you to profit,
who leads you in the way you should go.
Isaiah 48:17

Mama hasn't been to my home in 6 months.  She doesn't know my bathroom mirror carries an acrostic to keep me from gaining confidence or worth or support through anything other than my God.  It says:

                             W  Worship
                             O   only
                             R   Redeemer
                             T   the
                             H   Holy

Redeemer, the Holy,
     You are sending the warmth of You into crevices to melt the coverage that hides.  This is Your way: bringing life from the hidden places.

Mama's voice breaks through again, "Honey, the next verse is written in past tense to the children of Israel, but it seems that you are supposed to hear it present tense.  So, as I read it, I am changing the verbs:

Oh, that you pay attention to My commandments! . . .
Isaiah 48:18

"I am scared, Mama, and excited."  And her voice comes back encouraging.

"Can I do this?" begins the thoughts flying around of goodness and joy being tossed and blown by lies that destroy and paralyze, rending uselessness.

I run to Him for soul rest . . . and He reminds me . . . He is LORD and I follow.

Mama reminds me, too, He has created us for His purposes.  She says He made me His messenger.  That is all.  Just a messenger.  But, in that purpose will be His rest.

Lord, help us stand in Your purposes.  
Love always,

Most of us grew up in homes where we were taught to study hard in school and in college so we could get a good job and make lots of money and live in a big house, drive a nice car, and enjoyu great vacations.  When you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, the answers generally reflect that influence.  But no one ever says, "When I grow up, I want to be a slave."  But that is what the Bible calls us to.  The Bible would teach that the highest calling for you is to be a slave who denies himself and follows Jesus.
Kyle Idleman, Not a Fan, pg.150.