God is the beginning.
In the beginning, God creates. God sets His people apart. God calls them to Himself and leads them out of slavery. He sets a standard, building His culture. He provides, protects, and blesses.
In response, His people rebel.
God calls them back.
They rebel again. And again. And again.
He calls them back
again . . .
and again . . .
and again . . . until His is silent.
And God is in the middle.
After spending 9 months reading the Old Testament, my soul groans. Groans for the rebellious to repent, to turn around. And I anticipate the birth of Help.
At the end of the Old Testament, I spend a weekend without reading, staying in His silence. Silence reminds my soul I have an old testament, too.
And I hold my breath with anticipation.
The page turns to reveal the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And my lungs fill with His holy presence. John 1:14
He is Light, His name is the color of joy, and in Him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5
Instead of silence, the heavenly host praises God. Luke 2:13-14
As I read on, I know God will be the ending, also.
This year, a friend and I are reading through the Word chronologically. It has been an unforgettable journey of discovery and remembrance.
Remembering the stories of His people and His faithfulness and His lovingkindness.
Discovering how much I desire for the Father, Jesus, and the Spirit to be the main character in my life and in the lives of others.
Come read with us. We are reading through the Bible in a year using this link: http://www.oneyearbibleonline.com/oneyearweeklychrono.php
Love always,